Trail Resources

These are just a few links to get you started

Albuquerque Area Trails:


East Mountains/ Manzanita Mountains


Albuquerque Mountain Bike Association Trail Map and Resources

Trails on trails out here folks. What are you in the mood to ride today, XC with climbing, fast loose and techy? This is where the goods are located. The Trail Forks app is a great resource out here, it seems to keep up with new and old trails along with the reroutes. When I started to ride here it was at Oak Flats. Now my go to is a mish mash of Tunnel, West Ridge, Birdhouse, Blue Ribbon and Drop in. Of course you will find what tickles your fancy.


Open Space Trails

Please use the link for AMBA above for individual trail head locations, such as the North or South Foothills


Trail Forks


MTB Project

So the Open Space trails are a nice multi-use system. There are many users and the most traveled trails has got to be the Foothills. I live close to the North footie and that area see the most love from me by default. I like to night ride in the South footies in the fall. The city lights are cool as the houses fall away into the valley.


Santa Fe Area Trails

Trail Forks

MTB Project

Glorieta, Windsor, Dale Ball…The systems up North are awesome. How do you want to ride is the question to ask yourself. Do you want to shuttle or earn your beers?

There are several additional systems worth mentioning. Los Alamos, Taos, Angel Fire…then there are the adventure trails in the Jemez…the list just keeps getting better.